

Lašćinska cesta 31a, Zagreb


We are back! HAZ is again a part of EDS family

Kraków, 24.2.2018. We are proud to announce that today the European Democrat Students Council in Kraków voted in favour of the Croatian Academic Union (HAZ) application to renew Observer Membership. The voting result was 202 in favour,  0 against an 1 abstention!

In the spirit of mutual European values based on gathering Croatian students and academic citizens belonging to the statehood, democratic, Christian and conservative value system,

In our twenty-year tradition of fertile cooperation with the leading student organisation, the European Democrat Students, and our formal status as an Observer Member (1994.), Associate Member (1995.) and Full Member (1997. – 2013.), we renewed our cooperation with the largest student organisation in Europe. The EDS represents over a million students and young people in 39 member organisations from 33 countries in Europe. EDS is the official student organisation of the EPP – European People’s Party.

Many thanks to all member organisations, to the EDS-Chairman Virgilio Falco & Secretary General Tomasz Kaniecki. Thanks to our HAZ Delegation in Krakow Karlo Kolesar, Luka Radić, Sara Pavic & Dora Miketek who excellently presented our students and doing a good job!

#edswu #haz2018


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